Hiring Play 4/10 : The Art of Candidate Outreach with Short and Sweet Message Templates
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Hiring Play 4/10 : The Art of Candidate Outreach with Short and Sweet Message Templates

Often, recruiters face challenges in capturing the attention of skilled candidates. Why is this the case?

Candidates may experience digital fatigue, or the job market may become more competitive in several months.

Regardless of the reason, in this article, we'll explore strategies for effectively reaching both active and passive candidates. Let's dive in!

1) Initial Outreach 📬

  • Craft personalized messages tailored to the candidate's background and interests.
  • Highlight the value of the position and company.
  • Maintain a professional and friendly tone.
  • Include a clear call to action, such as scheduling a call or interview.

🧾The first recruitment message example:

Subject: Opportunity at [Company Name]

Hi [Candidate Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I noticed your impressive [specific skill/experience]. We have an exciting opportunity at [Company Name] that seems like a perfect fit.

Would love to chat about your career goals and how you could contribute. Are you free for a quick call this week?

2) Follow-Up 📨

  • Promptly follow up after initial outreach. We should be keeping candidates warm 😉
  • Provide additional info if needed.
  • Address any questions or concerns.
  • Stay responsive.

🧾 Follow-up template:

Subject: Quick Follow-Up Regarding [Position Title] Opportunity

Hi [Candidate Name],

Hope you're doing well. Just wanted to check in about the opportunity at [Company Name]. Happy to answer any questions or provide more info if needed.

Let me know if you're interested in chatting further!

⭐Bonus: How to Engage Passive Candidates

What is a passive candidate?

A person who is not actively looking for a job

  • Focus on building a relationship rather than immediately pitching a job opportunity.
  • Use social media platforms such as LinkedIn to engage with passive candidates by liking, commenting, or sharing their posts.
  • Join relevant industry groups or forums where passive candidates may participate and engage in discussions.
  • Provide ongoing updates about the company's culture, projects, or achievements to keep passive candidates interested and informed.
  • Leverage employee referrals.
  • Post value-added content or insights related to the candidate's industry or interests (e.g. vacancies) on your LinkedIn page.

Template for LinkedIn connection request:

Hi [Candidate Name],

Your profile is highly sought after in the market, I would like to add you to my network to share opportunities in [Industry].

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