HRIS Play 6/10: Performance management strategies: How to set up continuous feedback that people would love
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HRIS Play 6/10: Performance management strategies: How to set up continuous feedback that people would love

Companies believe that implementing performance management strategies will serve as an antidote to performance drop. Well, they’re right, but not all strategies are equally effective.

Pretend to choose one of three plans: 

  1. traditional annual appraisals, 
  2. frequent check-ins, 
  3. continuous feedback.

Guess which approach gets more likes? 

Statistically speaking, companies improve their key performance indicators (KPIs) by prioritizing real-time feedback over annual reviews (BetterWorks survey).

Now, here's the core difference: continuous feedback is like watering a plant regularly instead of just once a year and hoping for the best. 

So, let’s delve deeper into the core elements of a continuous feedback strategy.

When to apply continuous feedback

  • When demographics change

The exit of baby boomers and the entry of a younger generation makes companies reassess their performance management strategies.

  • When staff works remotely

Remote workers universally crave feedback. If you haven't set up a performance framework, this guide could help.

  • When you identify problems within an organization.


1) Check the Best Practices

Look at how leading companies like Adobe, Deloitte, Microsoft, and IBM have implemented continuous performance management. 


Adobe employees use a web-based Check-in Dashboard where they can:

  • share feedback with each other to learn more about their strengths and areas to improve;
  • ask for or give feedback whenever they want.

2) Outline objectives and performance metrics

  • Make short-term and long-term objectives agreed. 
  • Make sure you outline clear KPIs and key results (OKRs) in your project management system before the review period begins.


Here is how to set up OKRs in Jira, with or without plugins,  as well as in ClickUp and Trello.

3) Look for feedback & performance tools

  • One of the benefits of performance management system is that you can collect hundreds of feedback and keep them easy to analyze: everyone in a team can see what's expected and how they're doing. 

That’s how individual chech-in generally looks: 

  • You also might choose not a performance software, but an add-on to your project management system. These tools still help collect feedback and set reminders for teams and projects with issues.


Let’s take a look at the UpRaise, an add-on for JIRA. It enhances JIRA by adding features for ongoing feedback, recognition, and coaching. You can ask for feedback for yourself or others, view all 1:1 meetings in a single calendar, and manage employee records. Here's a glimpse of UpRaise in action:

4) How to have a performance conversation with an employee

Try giving "start, stop, continue feedback" a shot when providing feedback to your teammate:

- what your employees should begin doing (start), 

- what they need to cut out (stop), 

- what's worth keeping up (continue). 

To refresh your performance conversation skills, check out this cheat sheet below:


5) Establish a Continuous Feedback Loop 

  • Schedule regular check-ins (1:1) based on your capacity: whether weekly, quarterly, or after completing each project.
  • Shift the focus of performance reviews from punitive measures to developmental opportunities. 
  • To be prepared, establish the negative feedback loop and positive feedback loop ahead of time in your performance software.
  • Provide coaching, mentorship, and resources to help employees grow and succeed in their roles.

6) Encourage Two-Way Feedback

Your employees will be more loyal if they can freely share feedback, concerns, and ideas with channels like HR managers.

7) Consider AI (But Don't Rely Solely on It)

People tend to have recency bias. That means that you remember what employees did a month ago, but you don't remember what they did 10 months ago. AI tools can assist in providing summative feedback.

❗ Warning: Managers might assume that AI technology is unbiased. And when they interact with employees, they may, in fact, be more biased assuming that technology is handling it for us.

8) Evaluate and Evolve

Continuously assess what's working and what's not. Get feedback from employees and managers to fine-tune your approach.

Expected results

  • Employees are in sync with company goals and expectations. 
  • Instead of waiting for an annual review, employees get continuous feedback = support.
  • You reduce performance stress and foster a growth-oriented atmosphere.

Catch you in the next chapter of the HRIS playbook.

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